Executive Profile and Business Plan Summary


Green Parking provides a flexible parking service reflecting the characteristics of the location whilst providing income for Landlords. Car parks are leased or managed on a temporary or permanent basis and our involvement is from assisting in a design and build approach taking on an end product and quickly adapting it to serve the local environment it serves as a public parking facility. We provide the Landlord with a holding option whilst their development plans are pursued. We maintain the highest standards of professionalism at all times whilst occupying the clients land. We introduce green solutions to our car park operations.

Managing Director

Neil Edwards is a chartered surveyor and has over 20 years of experience in the Car Park Industry. He successfully developed a branded portfolio of car parks which were sold to NCP in 2002. Since then he has worked within the cross borders of parking, cleaning and security in the retail parking industry.
He is a former Scottish International Rugby player and played for Harlequins and Northampton during his rugby career.

Connect with Neil On LinkedIn

Requirements and Plot Sizes

Green Parking is a South East based company and considers parking opportunities within a 200-mile radius of Central London. Areas extend to East and West Midlands, East Anglia, Home Counties and South West.
Car Parks range from high-value bespoke parking space numbers in central London to commuter and town centre sites in most cities and towns.

Green Parking lease, income share or manage opportunities and can be totally flexible to clients’ individual requirements.
Click here to see our Operational Areas Map.

Additional Benefits

As occupiers, our property and financial background provides an on site estate management function, dealing with day to day property management issues which are regularly communicated back to the client. Activity from a parking operation also assists in reducing anti social issues that can occur on vacant land.

Green Parking are continually seeking entrepreneurial ways of creating and improving income steams from car parking. This includes “branding” parking operations to specific localities and applying state of the art software in parking control.

Legal & Financial

Leases are normally taken outside the 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act part II (as amended). We incorporate break clauses either monthly or on a quarterly basis to create flexibility for the Landlord. Green Parking will consider a minimum term of 6 months. The standard length of lease is normally 5 years.

The company’s clients include Institutions, Retailers, Managing Agents and the Public Sector. We also operate car parks on management contracts where costs are initially covered by first revenue and an agreed share of the income thereafter. This proves popular where car parks have machinery installed or has mobile phone payment technology and staffing levels are kept to minimum.

Contact Details

Green Parking
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1372 462156
Email: info@green-parking.co.uk